Cast iron grid

If you really want the best of the best from the Grill Guru, then you should grill dishes on a cast iron grid. Cast iron provides more constant heat than stainless steel and conducts better, making it ideally suited for grilling. It will easily get you the perfect grill marks on your dish. The Grill Guru cast iron grid is made of the highest quality cast iron. 

Note: the cast iron grid is not placed on the plate setter frame, but directly on the fire ring. This way, the grate is also closer to the fire. Curious about the difference between a stainless steel and cast iron grid? We are happy to explain it to you in this instructional video:  

Also refer to the additional information on maintaining cast iron accessories.  

Available for:  

  • Compact (diameter 33 cm)
  • Medium
  • Large (diameter 46 cm)
  • XL